A message from HCC Board of Trustees Chair Zeph Capo

Nov 30, 2015

Dear Neighbors,

During this time of the year, we reflect on the things for which we are thankful. As Chairman of the Houston Community College Board of Trustees and representative of District 1, I am most appreciative for the support of the constituents and community partners who are helping HCC transform into the college of tomorrow.

In this season of giving, I would like to highlight the successes of our greatest asset: HCC students. As one of the most diverse community colleges in the country, HCC prides itself on delivering the best experience on and off campus for students of all backgrounds. That includes helping them achieve their educational dreams. Many are faced with financial and personal struggles and HCC is there to help. The HCC Foundation offers hundreds of scholarships for students through the generosity of personal and corporate donors and programs across the district.

In this newsletter, you will see how monetary gifts and unwavering commitment from HCC faculty and staff are helping these students steer away from paths that were once filled with obstacles and doubt.

There is the woman who lived with four of her children in a homeless shelter as she rehabilitated from a life of trouble. Something as simple as getting an acceptance letter from HCC changed her life forever. Then there is the young EMT student who was forced to find his own way when his parents couldn’t care for him. He says his struggles are only giving him the strength to work harder towards achieving his dreams.

It warms my heart to know that HCC is doing the right thing for all students by guiding them down the road to success and filling their lives with promise.

Thank you for your continuous support of HCC and our students. I wish you a happy, healthy holiday season and look forward to seeing what is on the horizon.

In service,

Zeph Capo

Chair, HCC Board of Trustees

District I

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