HCC trustee named one of Houston’s 50 Most Influential Women

Jan 13, 2015

Neeta Sane has been named one of “Houston’s 50 Most Influential Women of 2014” by Houston Woman Magazine. She was among the 300 women nominated for inclusion on the seventh annual “50 Women” list.

“To be included in the final group of 50 women is a great honor for me,” said Sane. “It is my honor to serve the community and the constituents of HCC with a focus on making a difference for economic, educations and societal growth. I enjoy working with these groups for the advancement of Houston Community College.”

Sane is a business entrepreneur, wife and mother who takes the task of making impactful, significant contributions to society very seriously. As an HCC Trustee, she has served since 2007 to establish strong business partnerships that mutually benefit education, workforce and the business community. She recently ended her term as Board chair with HCC, but will continue to serve the remainder of her second six-year term as an active board member.

According to Beverly Denver, publisher of Houston Woman Magazine, “Those selected as Houston’s 50 Most Influential Women of 2014 are individuals have earned and possess an expertise in a particular field or arena and are considered knowledgeable, credible and trustworthy.”

An Afternoon Tea, co-hosted by Houston Woman Magazine and Chevron, was held at the St. Regis Hotel to honor this year’s 50 Women of Influence. A keepsake edition of Houston Woman Magazine was unveiled and shared with those in attendance at that event.

The complete list of those recognized as Women of Influence by Houston Woman Magazine this year can be found online at  houstonwomanmagazine.com/50women.

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