HCC welcomes visitors from Germany

Mar 30, 2016

German Student Exchange Breakfast

Houston Community College (HCC) is hosting visitors and program directors from the Berufsbildende Schule Metalltechnik (BBS) from Hanover Germany, providing each of them three weeks of immersion in the life and culture of Houston, Texas.

“This is an opportunity we are very excited about,” said Dr. Melissa Gonzalez, HCC chief of staff, who has coordinated the project. “Having these guests here, living with host families, taking part in the daily activities of Houston Community College, and meeting and touring business operations, museums and points of interest across Houston will provide once-in-a-lifetime experiences for these young adults.”

The goal of this cooperative program between BBS and HCC is to allow visitors to practice their English skills and partake in a cultural tour of Houston and the surrounding area, learning first-hand about how the skills at BBS translate to the learning and working environment in Houston.

Kai Simmer, 26-year old guest from BBS, is excited to be among the 15 who have made the trip. He described his education to date, “I have attended school through the 10th grade, then took two years to do an apprenticeship, followed by two years of working for my company. Now I am finishing my college, which is three years, and will go to work as an auto mechanic.”

The educational system may be different, but the outcome is the same. Both institutions hope to share best practices to assure the each is preparing the future workers for their country.

Dr. Cesar Maldonado, HCC chancellor, said, “Your experiences are different than ours, and someday I hope our students become international travelers, visiting your city, spending time there and having technical classes there. By sharing ideas, we not only increase our value today, but also increase our hopes for the future.”

“We are honored to be here and are happy for the reception,” said Mathias Merker, chair of International Initiatives at BBS. “In a world where we tend to build up walls, this program attempts to tear them down and build bridges through the valuable things we can learn from each other.”

Before leaving for their next Houston destination, Dr. Maldonado added, “Come back and visit us. Don’t’ let this be the first – the only time – you visit Houston.”  

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