Social hosts needed for HCC exchange students
Jun 17, 2016
Houston Community College and Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) are co-sponsors of a “Community College Consortium Program” that allows 16 students from developing countries to attend academic and professional exchange programs in the U.S. for one year starting in July 2016.
The grant is funded by the U.S. Department of State and supports a consortium of community colleges across the country including HCC, NOVA, Miami Dade, City of San Francisco, Scottsdale, DuPage and Bunker Hill Boston. The students will participate in programs in the following fields: Business Management and Administration and Information Technology. HCC will provide pre-academic training including intensive English language training to prepare students for their studies. Upon successful completion of the year of study, students will earn a certificate of program completion, along with possibly other academic certificates, if they are completed during the program period. They will gain a first-hand understanding of American society and develop practical skills that will equip them to participate productively in the economic development of their home countries.
If you would like to be part of the success of this program by becoming a “social” host to one of the students, please contact Lorin Banja at lorin.banja@hccs.edu. Social hosts are very important to providing the students with a well-rounded cultural experience while completing their studies. Social hosts differ from traditional hosts because the students do not live with the social hosts. Students will have their own apartments. They only attend social events with their host as the host’s schedule permits. Students are provided funds for social activities so, if you volunteer to become a social host, you would bear no expenses or liability for the student to participate with you. However you would need to cover your own expenses.
Hosts would only be asked to help provide a home-like environment to a student who is alone in our country by inviting your assigned student along on outings to enjoy sporting events, social dining, movies, holiday gatherings, observances, etc. As a social host, you would be providing a great service to the student, HCC and U.S. relations with other countries. In addition, most social hosts say they learn a great deal from the students as well, during the cultural exchanges, and find it to be a very enriching and rewarding experience. In many instances, lifelong friendships are made. Please volunteer today and call 713.718.2684 for more information. Also, please check out the Community College Initiative Program website.
This initiative is administered by the Economic Development and Entrepreneurial Initiatives Office, under the supervision of Dr. Maya Durnovo.