HCC offers free tuition for seniors

Aug 17, 2018

If you are 65 or older, Houston Community College has an education deal for you. HCC is offering free tuition and waiving mandatory fees for up to six credit hours per semester for students in that age group. In addition, students between 55 and 65 can receive a 50 percent discount on their tuition.

The discounts apply to academic and workforce courses that have not already been filled by students paying full price.

If you are in the first group, those 65 and older, the following requirements apply:

  • Texas resident or non-resident who is 65 at start of the term
  • Enrolled in semester credit hour (academic) course only
  • To receive continuation of the discount, student must receive a grade point average of 2.0

If you are in the second group, those between 55 and 65, the following requirements apply:

  • Texas resident or non-resident who is 55 at start of the term
  • Enrolled in classes for which the college receives tax support
  • To receive continuation of the discount, student must receive a grade point average of 2.0 or, for Continuing Education and Non-credit courses, a measurement of satisfactory completion

Chancellor Cesar Maldonado credits the HCC Board of Trustees with proposing the discount program. “I want to thank the board members for their vision in helping to extend educational opportunities to older students,” Maldonado says. “I am a strong advocate of lifelong learning and this program is a great example of that philosophy.”

The fee discounts apply only to those that are mandatory and paid by all students, regardless of their classes. Some courses may have additional specific charges that will have to be paid. For additional information, click here.

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