HCC alum to open new business Open Court Sports Complex in Katy
Jul 23, 2019
Former HCC student, Angela Smith-Duncan, recently hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for her business, Open Court Sports Complex, in Katy, Texas.
As a student at HCC, Angela participated in Shark Tank HCCS Edition, a class project in her Business and Professionals Communication course (SPCH 1321), taught by Dr. Angela Anderson. In the course, students develop a business plan portfolio and extended sales pitch to present to a team of investors; the investors include business leaders in the Houston community. Angela later served as a panelist for Shark Tank!
Open Court Sports Complex is a 40,000 square-foot basketball sports venue that will serve Katy and the surrounding communities; the business will encourage physical fitness health, teamwork, and leadership.
The division of English and Communication is proud of Angela's accomplishments and wish her great success in her new business venture!
For additional information, please visit ocsckaty.com.