Newsletter from Trustee Eva L. Loredo, District VIII

Feb 8, 2021

Dear Neighbors,

You should be assured that Houston Community College takes seriously all CDC-recommended Covid-19 measures to allow students to safely attend classes at our campuses.

Finish what you’ve started! Graduate with an associate degree or get to work in needed occupations by earning a Level 1 certificate. To encourage that and to respond to the pandemic, we have shifted many of our traditional on-campus courses to online classes. In fact, there are more ways to learn now than ever before – and enrolling is easy by visiting hccs.edu/now. In a relatively short time, you can achieve your educational goals! You can choose from:

  • Flex Campus: Students attend online or in person at the scheduled dates and times
  • Lab-Based Courses: HCC’s skills-based, hands-on lab courses host fewer students per section to enable social distancing
  • Online Anytime: Students conveniently take classes online any time. These are traditional online classes, and students are never required to be physically present on campus
  • Online on a Schedule: Students take classes online at scheduled class time and never required to be physically present on campus


All of these options are aimed at removing barriers to enrollment, and our campuses are conveniently close to Metro rail and bus lines. We have a dedicated financial aid staff at hccs.edu/financial-aid that can also advise you on how to apply for Federal Student Aid applications and help you to apply for scholarships through the HCC foundation.

We are ready to assist you. Call 713.718.2000 or email us at student.info@hccs.edu to get started!

See you soon at Houston Community College!


 Eva Loredo Signature

Eva L. Loredo

HCC Board of Trustees

District VIII


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