Cyber Security Analyst
Cyber Security Analyst
The training from the Cyber Security Analyst micro-credential can be taught of as a cyber security training camp. Students learn material from Network+, Security+, and Cyber Security Analyst+ in order to prepare themselves for an entry-level role such as Technical Support Specialist, Help Desk, and Cyber Security Analyst.
Attention Employers:
Students apply these skills to REAL JOBS in REAL TIME
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Books and labs
Cyber Range scenarios:
The Cyber Security analyst training includes labs on a state-of-the art Cyber Range. The scenarios are included for free as part of the training (a $400 value for each scenario and $1600 added-value for the training camp!).
Premium lab on a professional cyber range: Cyber Range scenario: DDOS SYN Flood (1hr)
An attacker uses many internet bots to generate a large amount of traffic on one of the organization’s web sites. The traffic floods, and eventually overloads the bandwidth and resources of the target, crippling the server and causing a denial-of-service (DoS) to the web server
Premium lab on a professional cyber range: Cyber Range scenario: Web defacement (2hrs)
Your company's Apache web server is attacked, and the default website is replaced with the attacker's own uploaded “hacked” web site. You are responsible to identify and understand this attack, and then recommend how to stop it.
Premium lab on a professional cyber range: Apache Shutdown (3hrs)
Your company's Apache web server is attacked and disabled. The attacker gains access to the server and uploads backdoor files and scripts that send the server’s username and password to the attacker every minute to maintain access to the server.
Premium lab on a professional cyber range: Trojan Data Leakage (3hrs)
An unsuspecting user in your company opens an infected e-mail with a link to an executable and a Trojan is installed. The Trojan performs a local search of secret files and sends them to the attacker.
CPMT 1049 Network+ Fundamentals
Book options: Official CompTIA Student Print book $49, Student eBook $46
Labs: Official CompTIA Network+ labs $59
ITSY 1000 Security+ Certification
Book options: Official CompTIA Security+ Student Print $52, eBook $49
Labs: Official CompTIA Security+ labs $62
ITS 2043 Cyber Security Analyst
Book options: Official CompTIA Security+ Student Print $56, eBook $52
Labs: Official CompTIA CySA+ labs $66
$2533 ($2189 tuition total + $344 book/labs) hours 192
Online on a schedule (Mix of self-paced & instructor led)
Learning Outcomes
- Describe the major networking technologies and systems of modern networks and configure, manage, and troubleshoot modern networks
- Be able to use fundamental security principles to install and configure cybersecurity controls and participate in incident response and risk mitigation
- Utilize and apply proactive threat intelligence to support organizational security and perform vulnerability management activities
- Apply security solutions for infrastructure management and explain software & hardware assurance best practices
- Apply security concepts in support of organizational risk mitigation and understand the importance of frameworks, policies, procedures, and controls
- Analyze data as part of continuous security monitoring activities and implement configuration changes to existing controls to improve security
- Apply the appropriate incident response procedure, analyze potential indicators of compromise, and utilize basic digital forensics techniques
Before taking this course, you should have:
- Basic computer literacy
- Basic PC operating system navigation skills
- Basic Internet usage skills
HCC’s Micro-LEARNING courses are especially appealing for working professionals and others who need a flexible means of taking classes. HCC’s Micro-LEARNING courses also earn you college credit, so you can also start you on the path to a certificate or a college degree.
Samir Saber
Information Technology