
HCC student barbers deliver haircuts, smiles to Blackshear Elementary scholars

By Donald Sparks, HCC Communications Director, Central College

Oct 16, 2024

HCC student barbers provide haircuts to Blackshear Elementary scholars as part of a community outreach project to motivate children to succeed.

Dominic Durley doesn’t remember when he got his first haircut, but he knew when he was young that he wanted to be a barber.

“My mom always had my hair chopped off when I was little,” said the 19-year-old Durley, currently enrolled in the Houston Community College (HCC) Barber program. “I never knew what I wanted to do with my hair, so I always had it cut low. I just enjoyed getting my hair cut, and that’s what I wanted to be.”

Durley and 22 of his classmates took part in a community outreach event doing something they all enjoy – putting smiles on the faces of their clients – in this case, cutting the hair of Blackshear Elementary School scholars.

The effort came about after Dr. LaTonya Brown, associate dean, HCC Central Student Services, approached Shenesse Britton, chair of the Consumer Arts and Sciences-Workforce department, to inquired if the HCC student barbers could provide underserved students with haircuts.

“I immediately agreed,” Britton said. “It shows collaboration for communities that may be facing challenges, how we are fostering community engagement, and HCC’s commitment to support our local residents and surrounding schools.”

Britton coordinated with the school before the event to get an understanding of parents’ desires for their kids’ haircuts. The school provided permission slips that outlined the type of haircut parents wanted– shaved, mid-, low-fades, line ups or tapers.

“I was extremely excited to hear HCC would be supporting our scholars,” said Jesseye Brown, Blackshear Elementary’s principal. “Our children come to school with many challenges, and I believe when you look good, you feel good, and you do well. We want them to encourage them to succeed.”

Brown mentioned the parents were very thankful for the opportunity for a total of 16 students (15 boys and a girl) to receive haircuts. She said she would love having the HCC student barbers return on recurring basis.

“This effort is a huge blessing to our school community, and I hope it is a lasting relationship,” she said. “Our scholars deserve to be pampered.”

One by one – as each elementary student approached their barber – they were greeted with fist bumps, handshakes and royal treatment. The buzzing of clippers and the scent of hair tonic filled the room. With each completed haircut, the smiles in mirrors were a sign of satisfaction among the Blackshear students.

“I wanted to cry as I saw the joy on the kids' faces,” Britton said. “Many had never had a professional haircut, so for our students to provide services made it more special.”

Britton wanted her students to take away more than honing their craft as future stylists – she wanted them to understand that serving the community is both rewarding and meaningful.

“I want them to know that you cannot put a price on making a difference in someone's life,” she said. “It is great to see a person smile. If you look good, you feel good and that is the purpose of service.”

Durley echoed that sentiment.

“They can leave my chair with confidence and feeling good about themselves,” he said. “It means a lot to me, and I appreciate being able to give back.”

The smiles were infectious as the scholars exited their chairs with a fresh cut.

“I was nervous at first, but I felt good after seeing the mirror,” a second-grade scholar said. “I can’t wait to show my mom and teacher how good I look.”

Blackshear Elementary School is a Montessori Magnet School in the Houston Independent School District. The school in South Central Houston is working to empower students to become critical thinkers, visionary leaders and active contributors in the community.

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