
About HCC Board Policy Manual

The HCC Board Policy Manual serves to articulate the foundation for the College’s activities and is structured to provide the legal requirements and local board mandates where they exist for each of the major areas of HCC operations. The policy manual is unique to the College, based on the legally-referenced material (“LEGAL” policy), but reflecting the board’s decisions on key policy issues (“LOCAL” policy). The (LEGAL) Policies are copyrighted by TASB and are made available on this website under license from TASB. TASB retains all right, title, and interest to (LEGAL) policies. Further copyright information is available on TASB’s Copyright and Disclaimer webpage. 1

As a condition of employment, HCC employees must comply with the standards contained in these policies and all other applicable College District procedures and regulations, as well as laws that impose duties, requirements, or standards upon HCC employees.

The HCC Board Policy manual is divided into sections corresponding to these major areas of operations:


Within each section, the manual is further divided into individual policy codes which serve to outline the manual for each topic. The HCC Board Policy Manual contains up to four kinds of documents for any given code. The absence of any one of the above documents does not make the policy code unenforceable:

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About the Policies

Legal Policies

(LEGAL) policies— which contain legally cited provisions compiled by TASB Legal Services and housed in the policy manual for convenience. These are not adopted by the Board. (LEGAL) policies should be read alongside corresponding (LOCAL) policies, though not every code includes both a (LEGAL) and a (LOCAL) policy. (LEGAL) policies cite applicable federal and state law, Texas Attorney General opinions, and court decisions, providing the statutory context in which all other policies and documents should be read.


Local Policies

(LOCAL) policies—which are Board-adopted local mandates housed in the policy manual. (LOCAL) policies should be read alongside corresponding (LEGAL) policies, though not every code includes both a (LEGAL) and a (LOCAL) policy.



(REGULATION)— is a written administrative document, such as a procedure, guideline or handbook, meant to implement the requirements of law and local board policy.



(EXHIBIT)— are forms, charts, or other policy-related information presented in a graphic format. An (EXHIBIT) is a local administrative document, such as an agreement or permission form.



1  Houston Community College (HCC) policies are currently under review by HCC Compliance and Texas Association of School Boards (TASB). You will note that a number of the links on this website will redirect you to Policy Online, HCC’s online repository of policies hosted by TASB. HCC is in the process of transitioning all policy documents, including exhibits and regulations, to that format.