TASFA Application Information
Students who are not eligible for federal aid through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) may be eligible for state or institutional aid by completing the Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA). Students that meet the State Financial Aid Requirements (eligible undocumented students) must meet the following state requirements and provide supporting documents. Meeting the state aid requirements increases opportunities for state grant assistance.
Students without a social security number or who do not qualify for state aid as an eligible undocumented student can complete the TASFA application to be considered for institutional grants and scholarships. Please be advised that incomplete applications and applications completed with all 0s will not be processed.
State Financial Aid (TASFA) Requirements

Graduated or will graduate from a Texas public or private high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in Texas.

Resided in Texas for 36 months leading up to graduation from high school or receiving the equivalent of a high school diploma.

Have resided or will have resided in Texas for the 12 months prior to the census date of the semester in which the student will enroll in the college.

Sign the Affidavit of Intent to Become a Permanent Resident provided by the college that states the student has filed or will file an application to become a permanent resident at the earliest opportunity the student is eligible to do so.
Application By Aid Year
TASFA Application | Fall 2024
Application link: 24-25 TASFA application
Supporting documents:
- Tax Transcript Form_PARENT_2024
- Tax Transcript Form_STUDENT_2024 (Use 2022 Tax Information)
- Statement of Student Eligibility & Selective Service Form_2024
- Affidavit of Financial Support Form: Please submit the Residency Affidavit form by visiting the Enrollment Office at a campus near you.
How to submit
To attach and submit the TASFA application, along with all other required supporting documentation, please upload all documents to the online TASFA Cover Sheet Form.
The Financial Aid Office will not process incomplete applications or applications submitted without documentation.
Checklists For New and Returning Students
New Students | TASFA Checklist
Students who are filing a TASFA application for the first time should follow the steps below.
Step 1 | Complete Your TASFA Application
Step 2 | Submit Supporting Documentation
Your TASFA application is not complete without all supporting documentation. New students must submit:
- Tax Transcript – This must include parental information, if you are a dependent student under 24 years old.
- Statement of Student Eligibility
- Notarized Affidavit of Residency
- Official/Final High School Transcript or GED Certificate
- Male students between 18-25 must register with the Selective Service by entering zero (0) for the social security number, and provide a copy of the confirmed registration card
Returning Students | TASFA Checklist
Returning HCC students who have filed a TASFA application for previous academic years should follow the below steps.
Step 1 | Complete Your TASFA Application
Step 2 | Submit Supporting Documentation
Your TASFA application is not complete without all supporting documentation. Returning students must submit:
- Tax Transcript – This must include parental information, if you are a dependent student under 24 years old.
- Statement of Student Eligibility
- Notarized Affidavit of Residency
- Check your SAP status – If you are not meeting SAP, provide appeal information
- Male students must provide proof of their Selective Service Registration Card
- If awarded TEOG/TPEG, you must be registered for at least six (6) credit hours each semester
We Are Here to Help
Please visit www.hccs.edu/finaidcontact to learn all of the ways you can contact the Financial Aid Office.