Path to Profession (Work-Study)

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Path to Profession (Work-Study) Opportunities

Work-study luncheon image of work-study student group.

Opportunity to work part-time

With your Path to Profession (Work-Study) financial aid award, you are able to work part-time on-campus or off-campus. Students earn the amount of their Path to Profession award by working up to 19.5 hours a week at approved employer. The Work-Study award is not a lump sum payment to the student — students receive a biweekly check. Work-Study positions are available at all campus sites and off-campus at community organizations.

Hourly pay for work study is now $15.00!

International students are not eligible for work-study positions.

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Types of work-study under the path to professional program:

A student is awarded Work-Study if they indicate on their financial aid application that they are interested in the Work-Study program. All degree and eligible certificate programs are eligible. Work-Study awards are based upon eligibility and the availability of funds. There are two (2) types of work-study that can be awarded to a student:

Federal Work-Study - Granted to qualifying students through their Financial Aid Award Package. 

Texas Work-Study - Granted to qualifying students through their Financial Aid Award Package. It is only for residents of the State of Texas. 

Funds and jobs are not guaranteed. Dates of employment may change due to the availability of funds.


How to search for open work-study positions

  • To look for job postings, visit here
  • Once on the job portal page, you will need to select “search” which is located on the right-hand side of the page (in black) right above “Returning Users”.
  • Once you select the “search” button, the website will navigate you to see all open positions.


PTP (Work-Study) Job Fairs

Path to Profession Job Fairs

The Fall work-study job fairs have been complete, please check back to this page for the Spring work-study job fair schedule in early Spring 2025. 



HCC job fairs put you in the same room as organizational partners who are searching for work-study students and gives you the opportunity to interview and begin the onboarding process that very day. Here's how you can prepare:

  • Upload your resume to CareerHub (see instructions below)
  • Dress appropriately
  • Be prepared to answer interview questions and participate in the onboarding process
  • Expect to be there for 2-4 hours (depending on how many interviews you participate in)
  • Have electronic copies of I-9 documents
    • U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card
    • Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card
    • Form I-766, Employment Authorization Document Card


Upload your resume to Careerhub:


Logging into CareerHUB

  1. Go to
  2. Select Support Services. (Drop Down Box will appear)
  3. Click on Career Planning
  4. Click on CareerHub
  5. Click on Enrolled Student
  6. Enter Student w/number and password


Upload your Resume to CareerHub

  1. Log into CareerHub
  2. Click on Upload My Cover Letters/Resumes. (Located to the left, 4th Category from top)
  3. Click on My Documents
  4. Click on Add New
  5. Follow the instructions on how to upload a resume for review


Student | Path to Profession (Work-Study) Information

Eligibility Requirements Per Term

To be eligible for Work-Study at HCC, you must meet these requirements each term:


Student Work-Study Documents and Resources | 2024-2025

It is our hope that you have all the information needed to maximize the benefits of the work-study program. Below are the required documents and resources for students and employers. Please note that missing documents will result in a delayed start date and payments.


If you plan to attend HCC between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025, you must fill out the 24-25 forms. Only use 2024-2025 forms for aid during (Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025). 


 Timesheets and Pay 


Steps to Securing Work-Study

Path to Profession (Work-Study) is a great way to earn money while working towards your degree. Here are the steps students can take to secure a work-study position. 

  1. Determine if you are eligible to participate in the Work-Study program and if you have a financial aid award. You can do this by contacting the Financial Aid Office or by checking your award letter.
  2. Use your HCC login credentials to access CareerHub, the website where you can apply for student positions. Your profile will be connected to your HCC email address.
  3. Create your resume using the CareerHub Resume Builder or upload your current resume to have it reviewed by a Career Services staff member.
  4. Schedule an appointment online with the Career Center to discuss your resume and job search with a staff member.
  5. Begin your search for the perfect work-study position for you!
  6. Students are encouraged to register for upcoming job fairs while searching for work-study positions. HCC job fairs put you in the same room as organizational partners who are searching for work-study students. This will give you the opportunity to interview and begin the onboarding process that same day. 
  7. Once selected for an interview, visit the Student Resources – CareerHub webpage for information on preparing for an interview.
  8. Complete your interview.
  9. Get selected for a work-study position.
  10. Start the hiring process by creating a profile at Houston Community College Careers - Careers (
  11. Once you interview and are selected by a hiring manager, you receive an email regarding next steps. 
  12. Complete the required background check, keep an eye on your HCC email for more information on this step. 
  13. Receive and accept an official job offer via your HCC email account. Do not begin working prior to completing all onboarding steps. 
  14. Complete any remaining onboarding tasks.
  15. Submit your I-9 documentation, in person, to 3100 Main Street, 3rd Floor, Houston TX, 77002. This step is required to be submitted to talent engagement. 
  16. To submit your direct deposit information, email the Direct Deposit Form or Cash Pay Enrollment Form to



Campus Contacts


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Work-Study? There are two types of Work-Study. Federal Work-Study is federally funded, and Texas Work-Study is funded by the State of Texas. Both are financial aid programs that enable students to earn money (like a part-time job) toward college expenses by working on-campus or off-campus through approved nonprofit agencies serving the community.

How do I know if I have a Work-Study award?  Review your financial aid offer by clicking here. An offer of Federal Work-Study, Texas Work-Study or Texas Mentorship must be accepted if you would like to work on or off campus.

What does my Work-Study dollar amount mean? If your financial aid package includes the initial maximum of $8,000 in Work-Study, that is the total amount you can earn in a Work-Study position. Your financial aid offer splits it into $4,000 fall and $4,000 spring but you can earn up to your maximum eligibility anytime during the aid year.

Can I keep working if I'm not enrolled or graduate? If you withdraw, are dismissed, or graduate, you cannot continue in a Work-Study position. It ends on the last day of your enrollment. If an employer wants to retain your services, your earnings must be paid out of the department or agencies payroll budget. You must notify your employer of you have a change in enrollment.

If I don't work do I have to give the money back? Since you don't receive the money until you earn it, and you can't earn it without having a Work-Study job, there is no money to give back.

What happens if I don't use all of my work-study award? Work-study is paid as you earn, if you don't earn the entire amount of your allocation, then, the remainder of the funds is distributed to other students. 

Can I receive Work-Study if it is not part of my financial aid award package? If you are interested in Work-Study and you have completed the financial aid application process, please visit with the financial aid office for an evaluation of your eligibility for Work-Study funds. Do not inquire until you have received a financial aid package.

How much do on-campus positions pay? On-campus positions students will make $15.00 an hour.

How much do off-campus positions pay? Off-campus jobs students will make $15.00 an hour.

Will I receive benefits? No, Work-Study students are not eligible for paid vacation, sick leave, holidays, or medical and dental insurance through their Work-Study job.

Can I collect Unemployment if my Work-Study position is terminated or eliminated? Work-Study is a form of financial assistance and the college does not pay into unemployment for the funds received. Therefore, unemployment cannot be claimed against funding received from a work-study job.


Employer | About Path to Profession (Work-Study)

Employer | Path to Profession Forms

24-25 Employer Forms | Please only use 2024-2025 forms for Work-Study aid during (Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025)


Timesheets and Pay


Employer | Work-Study Hiring Manager Orientation and Assessment

The Work-Study Hiring Manager Orientation will equip new and returning Work-Study hiring managers with tools and information you need to participate in the Work-Study Program; post job requisitions; and attend Work-Study Job Fairs

New and returning Work-Study hiring managers must complete the online orientation and assessment before hiring a Work-Study student. Please sign up for a work-study orientation below.

After completing the orientation, managers must complete the Hiring manager orientation assessment


Employer | On-campus Work-Study Interest Form For Community Partners

Filling out the online interest form is the first step to become an on-campus Work-Study partner. We will use the form to determine whether your department meets the eligibility requirements for Financial Aid Work-Study Program. The information provided on the form will also allow us to better meet your needs for student workers.

Once you submit the interest form, a work-study coordinator will review your information and determine your eligibility within 4-5 business days.

Please click the link to submit HCC On-campus Work-Study Interest Form.

If you have questions about the Work-Study program, please email


Employer | Off-campus Work-Study Interest Form For Community Partners

Filling out the online interest form is the first step to become an off-campus Work-Study partner. We will use the form to determine whether your organization meets the eligibility requirements for Financial Aid Work-Study Program. The information provided on the form will also allow us to better meet your needs for student workers.

Once you submit the interest form, a work-study coordinator will review your information and determine your eligibility within 4-5 business days.

Please click the link to submit HCC Off-campus Work-Study Interest Form.

If you have questions about the Work-Study program, please email



Campus Contacts

For general Work-Study questions, please email


Termination Information

If an employer is not satisfied with a student's performance, please take the following steps:

  1. Discuss the problem with the student, and create a mutually agreed upon performance improvement plan or other intended resolution.
  2. If the problem continues, email the student describing the problem, and give a statement of consequences if the behavior is not corrected. (You may wish to give the student a deadline to correct the problem.) A copy of this communication should be sent to our office.
  3. If there is no correction of the behavior, the student's employment may be terminated. The employer should notify the student and should complete both a Federal Work-Study Termination Form and an Employee Performance Evaluation Form, being sure to state the reasons that the employee was terminated. 
  4. Problems such as dishonesty, theft, disclosure of confidential information, or similar breaches of integrity may call for immediate dismissal from the Federal Work-Study program. Employers should contact us as soon as possible in such instances.


If an employer initiates a termination for a non-negative reason, such as budgetary constraints or the completion of a project, the employer should provide the student advanced notice, generally at least two weeks, to provide time for the student to secure alternative employment.

