Residency Information

How Residency is determined 

The amount of tuition you are charged is based on your residency classification, which is determined according to the information you submit on your admissions application. 

  • Under Texas state law, students are classified either as residents of Texas, non-residents, or international students.
  • In addition to state residency, students are classified as in-district or out-of-district depending on whether they reside at an address that is in the HCC taxing district. 

How to look up Residency Classification

When you log in to your My Eagle Student Account, your residency classification (in-district, out-of-district or out-of-state) will be displayed on the Financial Account Tile. Your residency classification is based on rules and regulations established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

How to request a change to Residency Classification 

You will need to complete a Change of Residency Petition and provide additional specific documentation to provide evidence of domicile and 12 months physical presence in Texas for the 12 months prior to the Official Date of Record for the semester you are enrolled.

All requests to update resident status, including supporting documentation, must be received prior to the census date of the semester. Changes to residency after the census date will not be applied until the next semester.

If you have questions about residency, please contact the Enrollment Services Office.

Residency Classifications

In-district student

A Texas resident who resides in the Houston Community College taxing district.

Who is a Texas Resident?

To qualify as a Texas resident, you must

  • Live in Texas for one year
  • Establish a domicile in Texas before enrollment
  • Be either a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • If you are claimed as a dependent on a parent's most recent federal tax return you will be classified based on the parent's/spouse’s qualifications for residency.
  • If you are basing your residency on your spouse and have been married 12 months, you can be classified based on spouse’s qualifications for residency.



Out-of-district student

A Texas resident who does not reside in the Houston Community College taxing district. 

Who is a Texas Resident?

To qualify as a Texas resident, you must

  • Live in Texas for one year
  • Establish a domicile in Texas before enrollment
  • Be either a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • If you are claimed as a dependent on a parent's most recent federal tax return you will be classified based on the parent's/spouse’s qualifications for residency.
  • If you are basing your residency on your spouse and have been married 12 months, you can be classified based on spouse’s qualifications for residency.


Out-of-state student

A U.S. citizen/Permanent Resident who has not lived in Texas for the past 12 months.

Who is a Texas Resident?

To qualify as a Texas resident, you must

  • Live in Texas for one year
  • Establish a domicile in Texas before enrollment
  • Be either a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • If you are claimed as a dependent on a parent's most recent federal tax return you will be classified based on the parent's/spouse’s qualifications for residency.
  • If you are basing your residency on your spouse and have been married 12 months, you can be classified based on spouse’s qualifications for residency.


International student

A non-U.S. citizen who is not a resident alien.

  • International students living in the United States under an eligible visa permitting residence must provide documentation and meet the same requirements as a U.S. citizen to qualify for Texas resident status for tuition purposes.



Undocumented Students

Texas State Law states that you can be admitted to the college and be considered a resident of Texas for tuition purposes if you resided in Texas, and met the conditions listed below. 

If you do not meet these criteria, you may still enroll but will be classified as out of state for tuition purposes.

  • Graduated or will graduate from a Texas public or private high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in Texas;
  • Resided in Texas for 36 months leading up to graduation from high school or receiving the equivalent of a high school diploma;
  • Have resided or will have resided in Texas for the 12 months prior to the census date of the semester in which you will enroll in the college.
  • Sign the Affidavit of Intent to Become a Permanent Resident provided by the college that states you have filed or will file an application to become a permanent resident at the earliest opportunity you are eligible to do so.


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