Section 2: Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions

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Multiply Rational Expressions

As in arithmetic, we can also multiply rational expression. To multiply rational expressions, follow the steps below:

  1. Factor all numerators and denominators as completely as possible.
  2. Apply the fundamental property of rational numbers.
  3. Multiply remaining factors in the numerator and remaining factors in the denominator. Leave the denominator in factored form
  4. Check to be sure the product is in lowest terms.


Example 1. Multiply.

example 1 


example 1 solution

 Example 2 : Multiply.

example 2 multiply


example 2 solution

Division of Rational Expressions

To divide two rational expressions, multiply thefirst rational expression by the reciprocal of the second rational expression.

division of rational expressions

Example 3. Divide.

example 3 divide


example 3 solution


 Example 4. Divide.

example 4 divide


solution 4


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