Section #2 - The Writing Process: Planning and Drafting

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Analyze Some Examples

We want to give you examples of students’ writing processes, so you can see what they look like. Read the situation; then, read each example, and answer the questions that follow.

The Situation

In the first week of class, Dr. Downey asked students to consider the following topic for an essay: the city is considering reimplementing red light cameras (the kind that will photograph your license plate if you run the light) at intersections where it has determined the most accidents occur. So far, it has targeted fifty intersections. People who get red light tickets will receive tickets with fines attached. Do you support this idea? Why or why not?   


JJ’s Response to the Writing Situation from Dr. Downey

reasons for not reinstating red light camera


Questions about JJ's Response to the Writing Situation from Dr. Downey

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Amy’s Response to the Writing Situation from Dr. Downey

  1. Introduction
    1. Opening
    2. Red light cameras should be reinstated.
  2. They deter people from running lights, which makes intersections safer.
    1. Running red lights is known to cause accidents so if these cameras deter running red lights, they will make intersections safer.
    2. My experience in an accident with a driver running a red light.
  3. They raise revenue in the city
    1. Red light cameras can generate tickets and fines 24 hours a day
    2. Fines can fund city initiativies
  4. Conclusion

Questions about Amy's Response to the Writing Situation from Dr. Downey


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