Section #4 - Parts of an Essay: Introductions

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Analyze Some Examples

We want to give you examples of students’ writing processes, so you can see what they look like. Read the situation; then, read each example, and answer the questions that follow it.


The Situation

Dr. Downey asked students to consider whether or not they would support a policy requiring students to participate in mandatory drug testing in order to get their financial aid awards. 


Paul's Response to the Writing Situation from Dr. Downey

The war on drugs continues in America. To help erase the problem, America needs to have as many programs as possible to discourage drug use. One program that would help discourage drug use is mandatory drug testing for college students to get their financial aid awards. Our state should require drug testing for students to get their financial aid because it would help discourage college students from doing drugs, and it will ensure that college students do not get financial aid to fund their habits.


Questions about Paul's Response to the Writing Situation from Dr. Downey

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Renee's Response to the Writing Situation from Dr. Downey

Our system of financial aid for college makes sure that people who can’t afford college on their own get the help they need to get their education. The financial aid system already requires students to go through many steps to get funding for college, and the system does not need to get any more complicated. Therefore, mandatory drug testing should not be required of students getting financial aid because it would add even more steps to an already complicated system, it would require more school funding to operate, and it would unnecessarily invade students’ privacy.


Questions about Renee's Response to the Writing Situation from Dr. Downey

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