
Embracing Houston's Future: Our Commitment to Student today and tomorrow

Welcome to HCC’s Strategic Planning Process. We invite you to visit this page often as we update information on how we at Houston Community College can position ourselves for the future. Thank you for your supporting Houston's Community College.

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As a part of the Strategic Planning Process, we are reaching out to local community groups for their input. Above are groups who have contributed their feedback. 

Student Pop-up Shops

Periodically, tabling sessions, or "Pop-up Shops", will be set-up at various campuses. Student surveys will also be distributed here to engage students and collect feedback on their HCC experience.

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The Strategic Planning Team

Berkeley Research Group, LLC (BRG) has been chosen by HCC to assist in a variety of tasks to aid in the strategic planning process. Their expertise in strategic planning and higher education combined with their familiarity with Houston, makes them an important partner in this effort.