Parking Rules and Regulations
All HCC students, staff and faculty are required to display a parking permit on their vehicle.
To park on a Houston Community College campus, you must display a valid HCC parking permit unless you are a visitor. Displaying a permit does not guarantee a parking place but allows you to park if space is available.
At this time there is no charge for parking at most HCC locations and parking permits are a safety measure so that HCC Police can recognize your vehicle as one belonging to a registered student, staff or faculty member.
Rules and Regulations
All vehicles parked on campus must be in operable condition, currently registered with the Texas Department of Public Safety or other valid state issuing agencies, and display proof of current registration.
Park only where your permit allows. Do not park in areas that are not for your use or have a restricted status. Examples of restricted areas are fire and no parking zones, the grass, sidewalks, along curbs not designated for parking, any unmarked spot, parking meters or any place that would disrupt pedestrian or vehicular traffic. If you receive parking citations and do not resolve them, your vehicle will be subjected to tow or immobilization at the owner’s expense. Also, a hold will be placed on the student’s account preventing them from requesting their transcripts and graduating from HCC. Vehicles may not operate on HCC property if they are in violation of state law.
Certain low-lying areas of the campuses across the district are prone to flooding in heavy rains. The HCC is not responsible for any damage or loss of motor vehicles or personal property contained in any motor vehicle on campus. Vehicle operators are responsible for familiarizing themselves with current parking rules and regulations.
Any member of the HCC community, who operates a motor vehicle on HCC property is required to register that vehicle with HCC Police through their Parking Management Account. Authorized university vehicles and equipment are exempt from registration.
Permit Placement and Replacement
The HCC parking permit should be displayed from the vehicle’s rearview mirror while parked on campus. Any vehicle displaying an open-air permit that is not affixed directly to the vehicle will be in violation and subject to citation.
Lost, stolen, or damaged decals/permits must be reported to HCC Police through your Parking Management Account. The use of lost, stolen, altered or forged permit may result in a $100 fine plus the cost of the permit and is subject to immobilization and/or tow at owner’s expense; at this point, individual will be reported for Code of Conduct Violation.
Motorcycle and moped operators must display the decal in a location that allows it to be visible at all times. Suggested locations are front fender.
HCC police officers may cite, immobilize and/or tow vehicles for the following violations:
- No Valid HCC Parking Permit displayed - $10.00 and subject to Immobilization/Tow.
- Illegally Parked in a Handicapped space - $100.00 and subject to Immobilization/Tow.
- Parking in a no-parking zone - $25.00 and subject to Immobilization/Tow.
- Illegally Parked in a Reserved Space- $50.00 and subject to Immobilization/Tow.
- Blocking a Legally parked vehicle - $25.00 and subject to Immobilization/Tow.
- Parking on the sidewalk - $25.00 and subject to Immobilization/Tow.
- Occupying two spaces - $10.00 and subject to Immobilization/Tow.
- Removing, damaging or altering any traffic or parking sign or barrier - $10.00 and subject to Immobilization/Tow.
- Blocking/parking in any access drive or driveway - $25.00 and subject to Immobilization/Tow.
- Other as stated- As Per Statute and subject to Immobilization/Tow.
- Parking in a Fire Lane - $100.00 and subject to Immobilization/Tow.
Moving Violations Fine Amount
- Exceeding the 15 mph speed limit in any HCC parking lot or garage - $25.00
- Failure to stop at a stop sign - $25.00
- Driving a vehicle in the wrong direction - $25.00
- Any other violations authorized under the Texas Education Code - As per statute
Flagrant Violators
Vehicles will be deemed flagrant violators if it there are 3 outstanding citations associated with the vehicle regardless of whether the owner has been identified as an HCC affiliate or visitor. These violators will be ticketed for current violations and subject to immobilization or towing at the owner’s expense.
Immobilization and Towing
The HCC reserves the right to immobilize and/or tow any illegally parked vehicle or vehicles with excessive unpaid citations.
Vehicles are subject to immobilization for the following reasons*:
- 3 outstanding citations associated with the vehicle.
- A vehicle parked in the reserved parking spot that does not have the proper credentials for parking.
Vehicles are subject to tow for following reasons*:
- If a vehicle is deemed abandoned. Vehicles parked on HCC property for more than 5 days* without moving are considered abandoned. Moving a vehicle from one space to another to give the appearance of a vehicle being utilized is not permissible (even if a valid permit is displayed).
- If a motor home, trailer, or boat is parked overnight on HCC property without prior permission from College Administration.
- If a vehicle is parked in any no parking zone.
- If a vehicle is subject to excessive violations.
*The HCC reserves the right to immobilize and/or tow any vehicle at any time.
Appeals Process
Parking citation appeals must be received by HCC Police Department via Parking Management Account within 10 calendar days of citation issuance and must be filed online by logging in to your parking account.
Note: Citations may be appealed only one time. The decision of the adjudicator assigned is final.
The following reasons are considered invalid reasons for appealing a citation:
- Lack of knowledge of the regulations. For example, new to campus or have not reviewed regulations;
- Other vehicles were parking improperly;
- Was only parked illegally for a short period of time;
- Stated failure of an officer to ticket previously for similar offenses;
- Late to class/appointment;
- No other place to park;
- Inability to pay the amount of the fine;
- Using personal car for college business
HCC Police Department
General Questions: 713.718.8770