Who We Are

The Office of Entrepreneurial Initiatives was established to build and sustain the Houston business community through effective and relevant educational initiatives to help businesses grow in revenue, personnel and business opportunities. The Office of Entrepreneurial Initiatives leads and coordinates all business and entrepreneurial initiatives by providing system-wide support, and leadership to fulfill HCC’s Strategic Agenda to “Cultivate and Entrepreneurial Culture Across the Institution.”

Start Your Business


Start Your Business

Centers for Entrepreneurship

Southwest, Northwest, Southeast

Grow Your Business


Grow Your Business

We help take your business to the next level

Entrepreneurial Initiatives

Goldman Sachs, Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), and The Corporate College


The mission of entrepreneurial initiatives is to bolster the local economy, create jobs and build Houston’s eco-system by starting & growing small businesses, including minority, micro, veteran, LGBT and women-owned businesses.



Disaster Tips & Resources


Houston Community College Business Plan Competition2025

Grow your business

Our Community, Our Money

The Entrepreneur In You

Our Community, Our Money (The Entrepreneur In You), is a show produced with the Entrepreneurial Initiatives department and HCC-TV. The show will focus on topics related to business and the community. The show will promote a variety of activities developed by the Entrepreneurial Initiatives Department, Centers of Excellence, students, partners, and business owners in our community.

The show will air on Mondays, Wednesdays, (6:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.) and Saturdays (7 p.m.) and it is broadcast on AT&T U-verse Channel 99, Comcast Channel 19, TV Max Channel 97, Phonoscope Channel 77 and Cebridge Channel 20. HCCTV reaches more than 700,000 basic cable television subscribers daily in Houston’s city limits and beyond. This show will be an opportunity to drive more engagement to our programs and to highlight the success of our students, small business owners, and community.


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Entrepreneurial Initiatives

Dr. Maya Durnovo

Chief, Entrepreneurial Initiatives Officer