Sales Performance

Sales Performance

The unique nature of a customer relationship ensures it’s the one thing your competition can’t duplicate. Top-performing organizations never leave this critical relationship to chance. To maximize penetration of new and existing markets, your sales people need much more than selling skills. They need consulting skills. They need problem-solving skills. They need negotiating skills. They need relationship-building skills.

Skills that help them:

  • Expand to, and win in, new markets
  • Rise above the competition
  • Reduce the cost of sale
  • Build and maintain customer relationships

HCC, through partnership with AchieveGlobal®, provides the following sales performance training programs:

Professional Selling Skills™

Become a consultative problem-solver in face-to-face sales situations, and take customers through the steps of the sales cycle.

Professional Prospecting Skills™

Benefit from new ways to efficiently and effectively initiate new business relationships through prospecting. Learn a three-phase approach to prospecting: Prepare, Contact, and Assess.

Selling in a Competitive World™

Learn how to assess your competition and apply insight to create advantages during sales conversations.

Professional Sales Negotiations™

Negotiate mutually satisfying agreements with customers, and understand how and when to negotiate effectively.

Professional Sales Presentations™

Provides your sales force with a dynamic, step-by-step blueprint for building a well-conceived, customer-focused sales presentation.

Winning Account Strategies™

Participants will learn a five-step strategy for maximizing sales opportunities and relationships within key accounts.

Professional Sales Coaching™

Apply a conceptual framework, communication skills, and planning tools to create high-performance sales teams through coaching.

For more information, or to schedule your sales performance training, complete this form or call 713-718-5304