Student Support

About HCC Online

HCC Online


ADVISORS assist students with every aspect of their academic progression from goal setting and degree planning to transfer planning and graduation.


COUNSELORS provide a wide-range of personal and mental health counseling services, including: substance abuse counseling, Title IX related counseling (domestic/sexual violence, sexual harassment), and Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment Team (BITAT) consultations.


TUTORS offer comprehensive tutoring services to our students free of charge. Confidential and convenient academic support to help you stay on track with your coursework, understand assignments, and improve your study skills.


PROCTORS support academic achievement and work to preserve the academic integrity of our online offerings by providing a comprehensive suite of online and face-to-face proctoring options for HCC faculty and students.


SUPPORT TECHNICIANS offer comprehensive technical support services for online students and faculty across extended hours seven days a week. Our call center is staffed by HCC employees to provide you with the best support possible.

3 Steps to Online Success

Step 1: SmarterMeasure

SmarterMeasure is a website that helps students determine their level of readiness for taking online courses.  Students are asked questions on their computer proficiency, motivation, organization, and learning style.  Students are even able to measure their onscreen reading speed and comprehension.  You can access SmarterMeasure at


Step 2: HCC Online Information Session

HCC Online conducts student information session before the start of each term.  You can participate in a live-streamed, interactive, student information session online or you can view a previously-recorded session that will introduce you to the services available to you as an HCC Online student and provide you with strategies for success in your online class.


Step 3: Getting Started with Eagle Online

HCC uses the Canvas learning management system (LMS), which we call Eagle Online. You will be able to access your online classes after their officially start date. If you register for a class on or after its start date, expect a delay of up to 24 hours before you can access your class. To access Eagle Online, you will need a PC (Windows 7 sp1 or better), or Mac (OS X 10.8 or better) with a broadband connection to the Internet.

Canvas Browser Requirements:

  • Canvas recommends the use of the latest version of any web browser.  It’s important to update your web browser regularly.
  • Pop-ups must be enabled. Disable your pop-up blockers.
  • Javascript must be enabled
  • Cookies must be enabled
  • Install the most commonly used internet plugins and keep them updated

Eagle Online (Canvas) Tutorials:

For information about navigating your online course and using Canvas’ tools, see the Canvas Guides and the Canvas Student Tour videos. We recommend that you complete the following videos:




Important Information

Search for Online Courses

HCC Online offers 32 online degree and certificate programs and is adding more online programs each term.  HCC Online also offers general education, elective, and core courses in more than 60 areas of study.  So, even if your major is not available online yet, you can still take a large number of your required and elective courses online.  HCC Online allows you to take the courses you need to graduate from the comfort of your favorite space and at a time that fits your schedule. 

Search for Online Courses


Online Course Requirements

Technology Requirements

HCC uses the Canvas learning management system (LMS), which we call Eagle Online. To access Eagle Online, you will need a PC (Windows 7 sp1 or better), or Mac (OS X 10.8 or better) computer with a broadband connection to the Internet.

Canvas Browser Requirements:

  • Canvas recommends the use of the latest version of any web browser.  It’s important to update your web browser regularly.
  • Pop-ups must be enabled. Disable your pop-up blockers.
  • Javascript must be enabled
  • Cookies must be enabled
  • Install the most commonly used internet plugins and keep them updated

Mobile Devices:

You can access some aspects of Canvas through the Canvas Mobile App or via a web browser on your mobile device; however, not all of the components within the Canvas learning management system are supported by the mobile application or via mobile web browsers.  Mobile devices should only be considered as a supplement to your computer and not a replacement.  To learn more about Canvas visit our technical support website.

Class Attendance

All students are expected to attend classes regularly, thus online students must log in to their course(s) on a regular basis. Online students who do not log in and actively participate before the Official Day of Record may be automatically withdrawn for non-attendance.  An automatic withdrawal from a course does not erase the course from your record or excuse you from paying for the courses.

Official Day of Record

Your instructor will define what "active participation" is for your course. Active participation may be one or more of the following:

  1. quiz/test on either the syllabus or another assignment
  2. essay response to an instructor's prompt
  3. discussion response to an instructor's question


If you are having technical difficulties and cannot log in, contact your instructor and the Eagle Online Help desk at 713-718-5275, option 3 for assistance.

Campus Meeting Requirements

Some HCC Online courses may require students to participate in campus-based laboratory sessions or proctored examinations. Please review your course syllabus to determine if your online course has an on-campus laboratory or examination requirement.

Repeating and Dropping Courses

Repeating a class more than three times or dropping more than six courses over an entire academic career can affect the price you pay for courses and/or your financial aid award. For more information, please see the HCC Student Rights and Policies


Registering for Online Courses

Your HCC Online Advisor will provide you with a registration link to register for online courses. You can contact your advisor through the Ask HCC Online form to request the registration link. The registration link will allow you to register for classes online through the MyEagle system. If you need additional assistance with academic advisement, counseling, or if you encounter error messages during the registration process, please contact your advisor via the Virtual Academic Advising website for assistance.


Textbooks & Digital Resources

Textbook and digital resource information is available in your class syllabus as well as on the HCC bookstore webpage.

Textbooks and digital resources for online courses can be purchased online through the bookstore's website or at the Central Campus bookstore.  Call ahead to ensure that your textbook is in stock. 


Accessing Microsoft Office 365

HCC students and faculty can access Office 365 Education, on up to 3 devices, for free.  Office 365 Education includes: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. All you need is your HCC email address to get started.  Follow these step-by-step instructions to access Office 365:

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Sign in using your HCC email address and password *Note: work-study students must use their student email account to access

Step 3: In the upper right corner under "Alerts" there will be a prompt for "Microsoft Office for free," click on "Install Now"

Step 4: When you are prompted to save the installation file, select "Save"

Step 5: Select "Run", when asked if you want the program to run and when prompted to make changes to your computer, click "Yes"

Step 6: On the Office welcome screen, click "Next"

Step 7: When the Meet One Drive screen appears, click "Next" 

Step 8: Now access your free One Drive account *Note: 1TB of free document storage is provided with your account


HCC Library Resources

As an HCC Online student, you have access to a host of information resources through the HCC Libraries system. A special website pulls together all the tools HCC Online students will need to complete research. Visit the HCC Library website for all your research needs.

Additionally, library services are available at HCC campuses. Through a daily library delivery service and a listing of all materials belonging to HCC libraries, books may be requested from and delivered to any campus library. HCC also has cooperative borrowing agreements with the University of Houston libraries and provides a copy of the Houston Public library catalog at each library. These arrangements provide students with access to over 4 million volumes. Special services provided by the library system include photocopying facilities; specialized equipment for disabled students; group and personalized instruction in library use, including a self-instructional media program to orient students to the use of the HCCS libraries; a “term paper” workshop; and online bibliographic search services.


Early Alert Student Success System

The Early Alert program is a collaborative effort between professors and advisors to help students who are at risk of failing one or more of their classes at HCC. Faculty members submit an early alert through the Student System to an Academic Advising Office. The early alert will then be assigned to an academic advisor who will contact the student to provide services to improve students' performance and success in reaching educational goals.


Ability Services & ADA Accommodations

Houston Community College is committed to creating an accessible learning community where individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to pursue their educational goals, limited only by their abilities, not their disabilities. Ability Services strives to empower students, foster independence, and promote the achievement of the student’s career and educational goals.  Due to the high demand for services and the nature of certain disabilities, it is recommended that students meet with an ADA Counselor at least 60 days prior to the beginning of each term.  

 Visit the HCC Ability Services Website

Accommodation Process

Step 1.  Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, pregnancy, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Ability Services office. Professors are authorized to provide only the accommodations presented in the accommodation letter. 

Step 2.  Students are strongly encouraged to contact the Ability Support Services office before the start of each semester to request accommodations (60 days, if possible) to allow sufficient time to meet with an ADA Counselor and for accommodations to be arranged. Once accommodations are approved, the Ability Services office will email a PDF copy of the student’s accommodation letter to the student.  Ability Support

Step 3.  It is the student’s responsibility to email (via HCC email) the accommodation letter to all of his/her HCC Online instructor(s) on the first day of class every semester if the student needs accommodations for the entire class session. Please do not use your personal email. 

Step 4.  Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, pregnancy, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Ability Services office. Professors are authorized to provide only the accommodations presented in the accommodation letter.

Step 5.  Students are strongly encouraged to contact the Ability Support Services office before the start of each semester to request accommodations (60 days, if possible) to allow sufficient time to meet with an ADA Counselor and for accommodations to be arranged. Once accommodations are approved, the Ability Services office will email a PDF copy of the student’s accommodation letter to the student.  Ability Support

Step 6.  It is the student’s responsibility to email (via HCC email) the accommodation letter to all of his/her HCC Online instructor(s) on the first day of class every semester if the student needs accommodations for the entire class session. Please do not use your personal email.


HCC Student Handbook

The HCC Student Handbook provides valuable information about many available resources while you attend HCC. It provides information on student rights, policies, procedures, services, and activities.  Visit the HCC Student Handbook website.


Contact Us

HCC Online

3100 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002