
About the Program
HCC educates its students both academically and personally to meet the challenges that face them in a globally competitive environment. Economics 2301 meets the multi-cultural requirement of the core. Economics 1301, 2301 and 2302 are included in the core curriculum as social science electives and are also normally required for those seeking 4 year degrees in business.
AWARD TYPES: Associate in Arts
AREA OF STUDY: Social & Behavioral Sciences
Degrees and Certificates
Learn more about the Degrees and Certificates offered by this program by visiting the HCC Catalog.
About Economics
Economics, the study of how humans allocate scarce resources among competing ends is the most important class a student can take. The reason this is true is because by studying economics students learn how to make decisions efficiently and optimally. This means in the best way possible. Economics is not just about money, it is about making choices.
There are 367 Economists employed in the Greater Houston Area. This number is expected to increase by 12.5% over the next four years.
- The estimated annual job openings is 25 jobs a year.
- Upon completion of a Graduate degree, the median salary for Economists is $54.73 hourly, $114,000 annually.
Online Programs Restrictions
Some online programs may require up to 15% of their curriculum be taken in-person on one of HCC’s campuses. Please contact your advisor for more information about specific program requirements.
Language Option Restrictions
Some online programs require students to participate in foreign language courses as part of the program’s required curriculum. Please contact your advisor for more information about specific program requirements and available language options. If you would like to take courses in a language that is not offered online, you would have to do so on campus.
Elective Course Restrictions
Some online programs may have a limited number of elective options available, based on which of the designated electives are currently offered online. Please contact your advisor for more information about specific program requirements.
Required Course Restrictions
Some online programs may require students to participate in one or more campus-based courses as part of a given program’s required curriculum. Please contact your advisor for more information about specific program requirements.
Potential Course Restrictions
Some online courses may have face-to-face requirements for exams, laboratory sessions, and other activities. Please review your course syllabus to determine if your online course has an on-campus laboratory or examination requirement.
Field of Study Curriculum
Economics Field of Study (FOS) Curriculum
Field of Study Coursework:
Bachelor of Science Track:
- ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
- MATH 2413 Calculus I
Choose one of the following courses:
- BUSI 2305 Business Statistics
- MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods
Bachelor of Arts Track:
- ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
Choose one of the following courses:
- MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods
- MATH 2413 Calculus I
Fully Transferable:
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) has designated the Field of Study Curriculum courses as “fully transferable” to other public colleges and universities in Texas. Students planning on transferring to either private or out-of-state institutions should direct transfer questions to that college or university.
For more information, refer to the HCC Catalog ( ) and Field of Study Curricula Approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Marketable Skills
Learn more about the marketable skills—skills valued by employers that can be applied in variety of work settings—so you can communicate these to potential employers. Click on the relevant award title below to see descriptions of marketable skills for that area.
Multidisciplinary Studies - Economics Major - Field of Study Curriculum Track, A.A.
Career Opportunities
Explore real-time labor market data on occupations you may pursue post-graduation, offering insight into career opportunities, potential earnings, and job demand in the Greater Houston region.
For more in-depth information about this career and other career pathways, visit Career Coach.
Search for a Economics Professor or request more information
Get in touch
Irin Nishi
Hours of Operation: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm