Project Resources
IDEAS Academy Project Homeworld Challenge
Explore, Imagine, Create!
Download a poster of the IDEAS Helix Design Process!
Engage with the world in these three ways
We organize the project development activities into three ways of engaging with the world:
- Explore: Identify a global challenge you want to address
- Imagine: Develop actions you can take in your community to address the challenge
- Create: Bring your ideas to life to see the impact they will have in the world
This work is visualized as what we call the "IDEAS Helix". We use the helix shape because it symbolizes the way projects progress by moving back and forth around the Explore, Imagine, Create activities:
Use these methods to develop your ideas into a project
IDEAS Academy introduces educators and students to methods from the fields of design thinking and lean startup to help in the development of project ideas:
Exploring Methods | Imagining Methods | Creating Methods |
Problem Definition | Combinatory Thinking | Prototyping & Pilots |
Community Mapping | User Personas | Minimum Viable Products |
Interviews & Fieldwork | Journey Mapping | Project Roadmap |
Secondary Research | Business Model Canvas | Pitch Presentation |
Follow an iterative path to implement your work
An iterative process is one that achieves its goal by refining and improving on something over time. This defines most creative work. We have identified nine stages that projects should pass through. Each of these may be repeated as needed to get the desired result.
Capture your project's plan of action
IDEAS Educators are responsible for developing the project with input from students throughout the first semester by organizing activities based on the above methods and capturing the results as the Mission, Concept, and Vision Statements for the project. By the end of the Fall, Educators will put all elements of the project together in the IDEAS Project Canvas. This can be published on a collaborative platform like the class website or printed as a poster and placed in the classroom.
IDEAS Demo Day
All projects will be shared in a final event at the West Houston Institute at the end of the school year. Check out the IDEAS Academy website to see what past projects have been developed as part of the program. However, do not let past ideas limit your thinking! Once you have identified your challenge for Project Homeworld, let the helix process and your work with the community decide what shape your project will take. This will help ensure that you reach the most impact with your work.
From Make Youth Count Census Palooza, Spring 2019 |
From The Foodture, Spring 2018 |
For more information:
For questions about the challenge or more information about IDEAS Academy, email Jordan Carswell, Program Director, IDEAS Academy & Studio.