Learning Commons
About the Learning Commons
The Learning Commons at the West Houston Institute provides coordinated instruction with HCC faculty to enhance student success. The librarian works in the design of workshops that integrate the use of information and technology to support class goals. Library Instruction is also provided in the Learning Commons. During these sessions the librarian introduces students to all of the HCC Library resources that students can utilize. Library instruction can also be tailored to specific faculty requests as part of Coordinated Instruction.
Summer Hours of Operation (Starting June 6, 2022)
7:30-4:00 Monday-Friday
Learning Commons Spaces
The Learning Commons provides multiple spaces for HCC students, staff and faculty to work. The Learning Commons has a collection of print information resources and makerkits that supports the initiates of the West Houston Institute. It also provides access to the electronic resources of HCC Libraries.
Open Computer Area
The Open Computer Area of the Learning Common has 32 computers that are available for all individuals affiliated with HCC. The area also features working sections for individual and group work.
Instructional Computer Lab
The Instructional Computer Lab (Room 107), has 24 computers for students and one instruction station. Room 107 is dedicated to the Learning Commons Instructional Program, IDEAStudio training, and HCC Faculty needs. When Room 107 is not reserved, it is available as an additional area for students’ computing needs.
Digital Media Center
The Digital Media Center (Room 116) offers three-disc tint areas for the creation of digital materials. The Digital Media Center provides and environment with Apple iMacs in its open area. The One Button Studio is a one stop destination for video recording of presentations in MP4 format. The Digital Recording Studio provides a room for capturing audio files using Apple technology on iMacs.
Shawn Anderson
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 7:30am–4:00pm