Ability Services
What is ADA?
Basics & Definitions of the Americans with Disabilities Act
"What is the ADA? Basics and Definitions of the Americans with Disabilities Act" by Rocky Mountain ADA Center
We are committed
Houston Community College is committed to creating an accessible learning community where individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to pursue their educational goals, limited only by their abilities, not their disabilities. The Ability Services Department strives to empower students, foster independence, and promote the achievement of the student’s career and educational goals.
In compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Ability Services at each college within the Houston Community College System is responsible for arranging reasonable accommodations for all qualified students with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) to ensure equal access to all programs and activities at the college. Obtaining reasonable accommodations is a process that is voluntary on behalf of the student and is interactive. It is the student’s responsibility to self-identify, disclose his/her/their disability or condition to the Ability Services Office, provide the appropriate documentation from a qualified professional, usually a physician or clinician, with a diagnosis of their disability(s), and request reasonable accommodations. The Ability Services Office, in communication with the student and instructor, if necessary, will issue a letter detailing the student’s approved reasonable accommodations. Once the ADA accommodation letter is received by the student, the student should contact his/her/their instructors as soon as is possible, preferably at the start of the semester, and present the letter to them. Accommodation letters are not retroactively applied. It is the student's responsibility to communicate questions or concerns associated with accommodation letter to the Ability Services Office in a timely manner. Due to high demands for services, HCC strongly encourages students to request accommodations before the start of each academic term. Failure to provide sufficient documentation or timely request accommodations may delay the delivery of accommodations. Returning students should contact the Ability Services Office at the beginning of each semester to receive their reasonable accommodation letters. Additional documentation may be requested if students request to change their existing accommodations
Ability Services
If you are a student who needs to register for an online SLIP Session ("probation/suspension SLIP Session), please visit Register for SLIP.
"Process to for ADA Accommodations" by Becky A. Hauri, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, HCC Counselor
The Ability Services Department is a welcoming, engaging, and supportive environment that offers educational support services for students with varying abilities so they can be accommodated and included in HCC community. The department provides a wide variety of accommodations and supports to students based on their individual needs so they will have equal access to the college environment. The office also works collaboratively with partners across campuses to ensure that all aspects of campus are inclusive in nature.
Step 1: The Accommodations Process @ HCC
The process for obtaining reasonable accommodations is an interactive one that begins with the student’s disclosure of his/her disability. The student has the responsibility of providing Ability Services with the appropriate documentation from a qualified physician or clinician who has diagnosed his/her disability. Students with disabilities should contact Ability Services directly. The contact must be made by the student and not a representative of the student, however parents/family are encouraged to participate in the process. Students taking online classes can contact any of the ability services to request reasonable accommodations.
Students must be on file with our office in order to obtain services including, but not limited to:
- Placement testing with reasonable accommodations (Learn more about TSIA2 Accommodations already available and built-in for all test takers)
- If needed reasonable classroom accommodations
- Interpreting or cart services
- Textbooks in an alternate format
- Assistive technology
- Referrals to agencies such as the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and the Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD, etc.
Note: Ability Services works closely with other college departments, but does not replicate those services. We direct students to the appropriate service and facilitate referrals as needed.
Step 2: Documentation for Accommodations
Obtain appropriate documentation of your disability from your Healthcare Provider, High School, Licensed Therapist, etc. Appropriate documentation is required for the intake appointment and before accommodations can be provided. The ADA Counselor will review your documentation and determine eligibility for services.
- For a Learning/Intellectual Disability: Most recent diagnostic assessment including:
- Diagnosis
- Intelligence and achievement test results
- Most recent Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE)
- ARD documentation alone is not sufficient
- Describe the specific accommodations requested
- Example: one-and-one-half the amount of time allowed for other students for testing, etc. Your licensed health care provider knows what reasonable accommodations are for school/college, work, etc., based on the diagnosis of a particular disability.
- For Other Disabilities: Recent comprehensive medical, physical, or psychological evaluation; OR typed letter on office letterhead with a signature from a licensed professional including the following:
- Diagnosis
- Functional limitations
- How diagnosis of disability impacts your educational process
- Describe the specific accommodations requested
- Example: one-and-one-half the amount of time allowed for other students for testing, etc. Your licensed health care provider knows what reasonable accommodations are for school/college, work, etc., based on the diagnosis of a particular disability.
For additional guidance and direction please visit the Ability Services Counselor.
Step 3: Connect with an ADA Counselor
Turn in your documentation to an ADA Counselor.
For additional guidance or after a student registers for classes and has their documentation, please contact the ADA counselor at the campus where you take your classes at to request your Accommodation Letter. Students taking online classes can contact any of our ADA counselors
Whether you are a student with a disability, or an instructor working with a student with a disability, we look forward to assisting you.
Please connect with an Ability Services Counselor.
HCC Counselors encourage students who witness a crime or are a victim of a crime to contact HCC Police at 713-718-8888. If students are off-campus and need immediate police assistance, they should dial 911. Students also have the option to file an anonymous report at the Student Incident Report Form.
Contact Us
Mahnaz Kolaini, PsyD., LPC-S
Director of Counseling and Ability Services