
What is Anger & How is it Harmful?

"Stress is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has a deliberately done you wrong. 

Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems.

But excessive anger can cause problems. Increased blood pressure and other physical changes associated with anger make it difficult to think straight and harm your physical and mental health." (American Psychology Association, 2020)

Anger Styles


This anger style often feels the need to be in control of themselves, others, and the situation. They often manipulate others until the other person feels guilty or backs down.

Behavior Will Look Like: Threats, Abuse, Humiliation




A passive person tends to avoid conflict and confrontation. These people tend to not express their needs and feelings and have trouble saying no without feeling guilty.

Behavior Will Look Like: Avoidance of Problem, Feeling Fearful, or Uncomfortable



Passive Aggressive

A passive-aggressive person uses subtle aggression techniques to manipulate the situation/person. They use cues such as body language, tone, or actions to convey anger, but won't explicitly communicate it.

Behavior Will Look Like: Silent Treatment, Withdraw Love/Affection



Projective Aggressive

A projective-aggressive person often appears passive, however, they are usually angry and are afraid to own and express the anger. Instead, they project that anger onto someone else.

Behavior Will Look Like: Get others to act on their anger for them




An assertive person states their needs in an open and direct way, and don't wait for someone to read their mind. At the same time, they try to consider other people's feelings and opinions too.

Behavior Will Look Like: State what is on their Mind. Takes responsibility over life and choices.



Anger Management

Discover the Root of your Anger

If you get angry quickly over little, and unimportant things, there may be a deeper issue of why you’re upset. The small inconveniences may just pose as a temporary justification for your anger. Chronic anger can be harmful to your health. There is some evidence that supports that anger and hostility are linked to heart disease, chronic pain, sleep difficulties, and digestive problems.



Be Aware of Anger Warning Signs & Triggers

Your body gives you physical indicators when you’re getting angry. Here are few warning signs to consider: pounding heart, headache, breathing faster, clenching your jaw or hands, or tensing your shoulders.



Learn Ways to Calm Yourself Down

  • Wait and cool off. Maybe go for a walk or on a run
  • Go to another activity
  • Talk it out



Find Healthier Ways to Express Your Anger

  • Learn to Listen-Listening can help you understand the situation more fully. There are several different types of listening



Online Resource for College Mental Health

Jed Foundation has a comprehensive, confidential, online resource center for college students, faculty, and staff regarding mental and emotional health.

Jed Foundation Resources Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Free Mental Health Apps (Open to Public & Veterans) Combined Shape Created with Sketch.

Breathing & Relaxation Techniques

Breathing exercises are a good way to move your mind & body away from the conflict and anger.






List of Activities to Destress:


Support Groups/Discussions/Programs

  • Modern Health provides free virtual discussion-based sessions to cope & manage stress.







Domestic Abuse/Stalking


Eating Disorder

Contact an HCC Counselor

HCC Counselors are licensed professionals with master's or doctoral degrees who offer free, time-limited, short-term counseling to currently enrolled students.

Students with documented disability may also qualify for accommodations at HCC. Visit our Ability Services Page to learn more about accommodations.

Contact a counselor to schedule an appointment today

Counselors @ HCC Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Accommodations through Ability Services Combined Shape Created with Sketch.