Anxiety and Stress
What is Stress & Anxiety?
Stress is a normal reaction to everyday pressures but can become unhealthy when it upsets your day-to-day functioning. Here's the best science available on what happens to your body when stress hits and how to keep your stress at healthy, manageable levels. (American Psychology Association, 2020)
Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure. (American Psychology Association, 2020)
Online Resource for College Mental Health
Jed Foundation has a comprehensive, confidential, online resource center for college students, faculty, and staff regarding mental and emotional health.
Overcoming Test Anxiety
It’s completely normal to experience some form of anxiety prior to a test or exam. However, anxiety becomes problematic if it gets to a point where it begins to negatively affect your performance. In case you find yourself getting caught in a test-related worry spiral, we’ve prepared some strategies to help you relax, prepare and focus on the task at hand.
What Causes Test Anxiety? (Download Handout)
Although the root of test anxiety may seem self-explanatory (the obvious answer being, it’s a test!) according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), there are three primary causes of test-related anxiety:
- Fear of Failure: If your self-worth is tied to your test score the pressure to perform well may become unbearable.
- Lack of Preparation: It’s easy to get anxious and overwhelmed if you wait until the last minute to study (or don’t study at all).
- Poor Test History: A negative mindset that stems from poor past results may influence how well you do on future tests.
Questions to Ask Before an Exam (Download Handout)
- How many questions will be on the exam?
- What types of questions will be on the exam?
- What material will be covered?
- How much will the exam count toward the final grade?
- Will the questions come primarily from the notes or the text?
- Will partial credit be awarded for some answers?
- How much time will we have for the exam?
- Will there be any extra credit?
- What materials (books, notes, calculators, and so on) will we be able to use?
- What outside material (handouts, readings, and so on) will be included on the
exams? - Do you have a review or example of the questions?
Overcoming Writing Anxiety/Writer's Block
What are writing anxiety and writer’s block? (Download Handout)
“Writing anxiety” and “writer’s block” are informal terms for a wide variety of apprehensive and pessimistic feelings about writing. These feelings may not be pervasive in a person’s writing life. For example, you might feel perfectly fine writing a biology lab report but apprehensive about writing a paper on a novel. You may confidently tackle a paper about the sociology of gender but delete and start over twenty times when composing an email to a cute classmate to suggest a coffee date. In other words, writing anxiety and writer’s block are situational (Hjortshoj 7). These terms do NOT describe psychological attributes. People aren’t born
anxious writers; rather, they become anxious or blocked through negative or difficult experiences with writing. (University of N Carolina @ Chapel Hill Writing Center).
Panic Attacks
What are Panic Attacks?
A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause. Panic attacks can be very frightening. When panic attacks occur, you might think you're losing control, having a heart attack or even dying.
Although panic attacks themselves aren't life-threatening, they can be frightening and significantly affect your quality of life. However, treatment can be very effective. (Mayo Clinic Overview)
("What is a Panic Attack" Youtube by Pysch Hub)
What causes panic attacks and how can you prevent them?
Prevention (Mayo Clinic)
There's no sure way to prevent panic attacks or panic disorder. However, these recommendations may help.
- Get treatment for panic attacks as soon as possible to help stop them from getting worse or becoming more frequent.
- Stick with your treatment plan to help prevent relapses or worsening of panic attack symptoms.
- Get regular physical activity, which may play a role in protecting against anxiety.
("What causes panic attacks, and how can you prevent them? - Cindy J. Aaronson", TED-ED YouTube Video)
How is panic disorder treated? (NIMH)
If you’re experiencing symptoms of panic disorder, talk to a healthcare provider. After discussing your history, a healthcare provider may conduct a physical exam to ensure that an unrelated physical problem is not causing your symptoms. A healthcare provider may refer you to a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or clinical social worker. The first step to effective treatment is to get a diagnosis, usually from a mental health professional.
Panic disorder is generally treated with psychotherapy (sometimes called “talk therapy”), medication, or both. Speak with a healthcare provider about the best treatment for you.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a research-supported type of psychotherapy, is commonly used to treat panic disorder. CBT teaches you different ways of thinking, behaving, and reacting to the feelings that happen during or before a panic attack. The attacks can become less frequent once you learn to react differently to the physical sensations of anxiety and fear during a panic attack.
Exposure therapy is a common CBT method that focuses on confronting the fears and beliefs associated with panic disorder to help you engage in activities you have been avoiding. Exposure therapy is sometimes used along with relaxation exercises.
For more information on psychotherapy, visit the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) psychotherapies webpage.
Healthcare providers may prescribe medication to treat panic disorder. Different types of medication can be effective, including:
- Antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
- Beta-blockers
- Anti-anxiety medications, such as benzodiazepines
SSRI and SNRI antidepressants are commonly used to treat depression, but they also can help treat the symptoms of panic disorder. They may take several weeks to start working. These medications also may cause side effects, such as headaches, nausea, or difficulty sleeping. These side effects are usually not severe, especially if the dose starts off low and is increased slowly over time. Talk to your healthcare provider about any side effects that you may experience.
Beta-blockers can help control some of the physical symptoms of panic disorder, such as rapid heart rate, sweating, and tremors. Although healthcare providers do not commonly prescribe beta-blockers for panic disorder, the medication may be helpful in certain situations that precede a panic attack.
Benzodiazepines, which are anti-anxiety sedative medications, can be very effective in rapidly decreasing panic attack symptoms. However, some people build up a tolerance to these medications and need higher and higher doses to get the same effect. Some people even become dependent on them. Therefore, a health care provider may prescribe them only for brief periods of time if you need them.
Both psychotherapy and medication can take some time to work. Many people try more than one medication before finding the best one for them. A healthcare provider can work with you to find the best medication, dose, and duration of treatment for you. A healthy lifestyle also can help combat panic disorder. Make sure to get enough sleep and exercise, eat a healthy diet, and turn to family and friends who you trust for support. To learn more ways to take care of your mental health, visit NIMH’s Caring for Your Mental Health webpage.
For more information about medications used to treat panic disorder, visit NIMH’s Mental Health Medications webpage. Visit the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website for the latest warnings, patient medication guides, and information on newly approved medications.
If you need help signing up for health insurance, please visit the HCC Cares\Healthcare page.
How can I support myself and others with panic disorder?
Educate Yourself
A good way to help yourself or a loved one who may be struggling with panic attacks or panic disorder is to seek information. Research the warning signs, learn about treatment options, and keep up to date with current research.
If you are experiencing panic disorder symptoms, have an honest conversation about how you’re feeling with someone you trust. If you think that a friend or family member may be struggling with panic disorder, set aside a time to talk with them to express your concern and reassure them of your support.
Know When to Seek Help
If your anxiety, or the anxiety of a loved one, starts to cause problems in everyday life—such as at school, at work, or with friends and family—it’s time to seek professional help. Talk to a healthcare provider about your mental health.
How to Help Someone Having a Panic Attack
- Name it: "This is a panic attack, and it will pass" (panic attack symptoms tend to peak at 10 minutes)
- Stay Calm
- Give them Space
- Offer a coping statement, like
- "You can handle these symptoms"
- "This will pass"
- "This will roll over you, like a wave
If on an HCC Campus, call HCC Police at 713.718.8888, Call 911, and/or notify the campus's Front Desk.
If you are outside of HCC, Call 911 or seek immediate medical treatment.
("How to help your friend during a panic attack - BBC", Youtube)
Stress & Anxiety Resources
Breathing & Relaxation Techniques
Breathing exercises are a good way to lower stress and move your mind & body away from the fight/flight/freeze response.
- Relaxation & Breathing Exercises (Audio), University of Houston
- "Square Breathing" by Destress Monday
- "Breathe2Relax" (Mobile App to teach breathing techniques to manage stress) by Anxiety & Depression Associate of America
- Audio Meditation Podcasts by Kaiser Permanente: Panic Attacks & Anxiety, Stress.
- "The 21 Best Meditation Podcasts to Listen to in 2020", Sara Lindberg,
- Yoga & Meditation in Houston
List of Activities to Destress:
- Anxiety Worksheets, Centre for Clinical Interventions: Anxiety Symptoms Record, Breathing Rate Record, Diary, etc.
- Ginger Roots has several activities & guides to distress: unplugging, count your blessing, adapting to change, grounding your stress, mindfulness, judgment-free journaling, gratitude list, etc.
- Keep Your Mind Grounded Worksheets, Mental Health Network.
- "Stressed out? Here are 10 science-backed design tips for bringing serenity to your home." by Megan Bueger, Washington Post.
- "How to Combat 'Flight, Fight, & Freeze-Simple ways to short-circuit the body's response to stress" by Ashley Abramson, Elemental.
- Free Activities (Workouts, Yoga/Stretch, Dance, Art, Learning, Mental Health, Entertainment) by Medium
- Virtual Relaxation Room by University of Nevada, Reno
Support Groups/Discussions/Programs
- Starling Minds provides free digital mental with programs for managing stress & anxiety from COVID-19.
- Online Stress Management Group (Cost: Free): Jewish Family Services
- Online Support Groups through Zoom Video Conference (Cost: Free)(
- Online Stress Management Group (Cost: Pay what you can): Ajana Therapy & Clinical Services
- To find support groups outside the U.S. go to Befrienders.
- Calm App
Additional Resources
- Stress, American Psychology Association: Research, articles, news.
- Stress Screener, Mental Health America
- Coping with Stress by CDC
- Anxiety, American Psychology Association: Research, articles, news.
- Anxiety Information Sheets, Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Anxiety Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health
- Anxiety Check, Univ of Houston Counseling & Psychological Services
- NAMI SEA Center (713-970-4483) The Support Education & Advocacy (S.E.A) Center is a peer-run innovative warm line and Referral Service. The S.E.A. Center is open to any individual who has a mental illness or a brain disorder, as well as family members and close friends of those living with a mental illness. There is no cost or referral necessary to participate. The S.E.A center offers warm line services. YouTube Intro
- Jewish Family Services (sliding scale psychiatry services)-(713) 667-9336
- Avenue 360 (sliding scale psychiatry services)-832-962-4111
- Legacy Community Health-Behavior Health-832-548-5000
- Mental Health and Finacial Services Olive Branch-Muslim Family Services-832-617-8160
- Baylor Psychiatry Clinic - (713) 798-1000
- Baylor Teen Health Clinic (Age 13-23) (Free/ Low-Cost Counseling) - (713) 440-7456
- Catholic Charities - (713) 526-4611
- Center for Creative Resources - (713) 461-7599
- Family Services of Greater Houston - (713) 861-4849
- Houston-Galveston Institute Counseling Center - (832) 471-6538
- Interface-Samaritan Counseling Center - Houston - (713) 626-7990, Spring - (281) 376-8006
- Krist Samaritan Counseling Center - (281) 480-7554
- The Montrose Center (LGBT) - (713) 529-0037
- Nick Finnegan Counseling Center - (713) 402-5046
- Open Path Psychotherapy Collective (Reduced Fee Therapist Directory)
- Psychological Research & Services Center - (713) 743-8500
- Vecino Denver Harbor Family Clinic - (713) 674-3326
- El Centro del Corazon - 713-660-1880
- An-Nisa - Domestic Violence, Short-Term Financial Assistance, Vocational Training, Furniture, Clothing. Muslim Counselors available 8323249111
- UH-Victoria Counseling Training Clinic - Free Individual Counseling, Play Therapy, Family Counseling provided by Master's Level Counselor Interns 281-396-3720
- Memorial Herman Mental Health Crisis Clinics - The Memorial Hermann Mental Health Crisis Clinic is an outpatient mental health service provider developed to serve individuals experiencing a mental health crisis situations. This clinic also serves individuals unable to follow up with other outpatient providers for their mental health needs.
- Take a Mental Health Test-MHA Screening: "Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition."
- American Psychological Association has various topics from addictions, ADHD, anger, depression, emotional health, learning & memory, pain, parenting, etc.
- Centre for Clinical Interventions has self-help resources for mental health problems from anxiety, assertiveness, depression, perfectionism, self-esteem, etc.
- The Jed Foundation equips teens & young adults with the skills & support to grow into healthy, thriving adults.
- UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences has various topics & resources for adult, child & adolescent mental health, ADHD, depression, stress reduction, substance use, etc.
- Mental Health America is a non-profit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness & promoting mental health.
- SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline-SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. Call or text 1-800-985-5990.
- Psychological Treatments from the Society of Clinical Psychology-List of psychological treatments that have been evaluated using either the Chambless & Hollon (1998) criteria or the current Tolin (2015) criteria.
Eating Disorder
- National Alliance for Eating Disorders-The Alliance has a free, eating disorder, clinician-led helpline that operates from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. Central time (Monday to Friday). 1-866-662-1235
- National Eating Disorders Association supports individuals & families affected by eating disorders.
- Online Stress Management Group (Cost: Free): Jewish Family Services
- Online Support Groups through Zoom Video Conference (Cost: Free)(
- Online Stress Management Group (Cost: Pay what you can): Ajana Therapy & Clinical Services
- Bo's Place Grief Support Group
- To find support groups outside the U.S. go to Befrienders.
- Jung Center (self-improvement and personal growth workshops)
- National Alliance for Eating Disorders Support Groups (Recovery, Friends/Family, LGBTQ+, Grief, etc)
Contact an HCC Counselor
HCC Counselors are licensed professionals with master's or doctoral degrees who offer free, time-limited, short-term counseling to currently enrolled students.
Students with documented disability may also qualify for accommodations at HCC. Visit our Ability Services Page to learn more about accommodations.
Contact a counselor to schedule an appointment today
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