Depression and Grief

Crisis or Mental Health Emergency

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 9-1-1 for immediate assistance.

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 9881-800-273-8255, Text “TALK” to 741741, WhatsApp, or Chat @

Options for Deaf and Hard of Hearing 1-800-799-4889.

Texas Suicide Prevention-Know the Signs/Save a Life

Support text line for students of color. Text STEVE to 741741

US or International Suicidal Crisis Support

Online Resource for College Mental Health

Jed Foundation has a comprehensive, confidential, online resource center for college students, faculty, and staff regarding mental and emotional health.

Jed Foundation Resources Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Free Mental Health Apps (Open to Public & Veterans) Combined Shape Created with Sketch.

Additional Online Depression Screening

Contact an HCC Counselor

HCC Counselors are licensed professionals with master's or doctoral degrees who offer free, time-limited, short-term counseling to currently enrolled students.

Students with documented disability may also qualify for accommodations at HCC. Visit our Ability Services Page to learn more about accommodations.

Contact a counselor to schedule an appointment today

Counselors @ HCC Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Accommodations through Ability Services Combined Shape Created with Sketch.





Domestic Abuse/Stalking


Eating Disorder