Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention
Drug & Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
Houston Community College (HCC) is committed to providing its students and employees a drug- and alcohol-free workplace and learning environment to promote the reputation of HCC and its employees as responsible citizens of public trust, and to provide a consistent model of substance-free behavior for students.
HCC, including all of its colleges and campuses, shall provide a safe, responsive environment for all students and employees.
Employees and students are informed of the program and policy by means of the website, student handbook, and electronic mail.
Annually, employees and students are made aware of the HCC Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program and Policy which provides access to the following information.
HCC’s Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program:
HCC has established a Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program to inform its faculty, staff, and students about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, penalties that may be imposed for drug and alcohol abuse violations, and available resources to combat drug and alcohol-related issues.
For more information regarding the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program.
- Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on the school’s property or as part of any of the school’s activities
- Descriptions of applicable legal sanctions under state, local, and federal law
- Description of health risks
- Description of available counseling, treatment, rehabilitation, or re-entry programs
- Clear statement that the school will impose sanctions for violation of standards of conduct and a description of sanctions
- New staff and faculty members are informed of the policy and program at the New Employee Orientation provided by the Human Resources Department.
- All employees are informed of the policy and program annually via electronic mail.
- Students are informed of the policy and program each semester via electronic mail.
- Drug and alcohol abuse prevention materials are also available within the college counseling centers.
- On a biennial basis, a committee chaired by the Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Success and comprised of representatives from the police department, human resources, counseling, financial aid, and student life will conduct a review of the program to assess the following:
- Determine the effectiveness of the program and implement necessary changes
- Determine the number of drug and alcohol-related violations and fatalities that occur on the HCC campuses
- Determine the number and type of sanctions that are imposed
- Ensure that sanctions are consistently enforced
We are a 100% Smoke-Free College
As a recipient of a Truth Initiative grant, HCC is now a 100 percent tobacco/vape-free college environment consistent with more than 2,500 higher education campus sites across the nation participating in the Truth’s smoke-free grant program.
Under this policy, tobacco use in any form, including e-cigarettes, flavored cigars and hookah, is prohibited on campus at all times. The policy applies to all indoor and outdoor facilities and grounds, including parking lots and athletic facilities.
A college with a comprehensive smoke-free policy helps to ensure our campuses are healthier for our students, faculty, staff, tenants and visitors promoting a culture of health and well-being on campus by:
- preventing young adults from starting tobacco use
- making it easier for smokers to quit, and
- reducing cigarette litter, maintenance costs and the risk of fire
Among other benefits, a tobacco-free policy eliminates secondhand smoke exposure, which research shows has a potential negative impact on academic performance. Meanwhile, the policy also better prepares students for the workforce as an increasing number of worksites prohibit tobacco use.
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment-SBIRT TOOL
Primary care centers, hospital emergency rooms, trauma centers, and other community settings provide opportunities for early intervention with at-risk substance users before more severe consequences occur.
- Screening quickly assesses the severity of substance use and identifies the appropriate level of treatment.
- Brief intervention focuses on increasing insight and awareness regarding substance use and motivation toward behavioral change.
- Referral to treatment provides those identified as needing more extensive treatment with access to specialty care.
Marijuana e-CheckUpToGo
Want feedback on your use of Marijuana?
The Marijuana e-CheckUpToGo is a marijuana-specific brief assessment and feedback tool designed to reduce marijuana use among college students. The assessment takes about 10-15 minutes to complete, is self-guided, and requires no face-to-face contact time with a counselor or administrator.
Complete the Marijuana e-CheckUpToGo and see where you stand.
What does it do?
When you access the Marijuana e-CheckUpToGo, they are prompted to enter information about themselves. In addition to demographic information, they enter information about their use of marijuana, spending patterns, and their lifestyle. After all information has been entered, you submit the form. The information you entered is validated and then processed. The Marijuana e-CheckUpToGo calculates a number of variables and compares your responses to national and local college norms. Then, that information is displayed in an easy-to-read format.
What does one need to use the Marijuana e-CheckUpToGo?
- A computer
- Internet access
- A standards-compliant Internet Browser with JavaScript activated
- 10-15 minutes to complete the survey
- A printer (to print the feedback)
Alcohol e-CheckUpToGo
Want feedback on your use of alcohol?
The Alcohol e-CheckUpToGo is an interactive web survey that allows college and university students to enter information about their drinking patterns and receive feedback about their use of alcohol. The assessment takes about 6-7 minutes to complete, is self-guided, and requires no face-to-face contact time with a counselor or administrator.
Complete the Alcohol e-CheckUpToGo and see where you stand.
What Does it do?
When you access the Alcohol e-CheckUpToGo, you are prompted to enter information about yourself. In addition to demographic information, it will ask you to enter information about your drinking habits, family history, and to complete the World Health Organization’s AUDIT.
After all information has been entered, you submit the form. The information you entered is then validated and processed. The Alcohol e-CheckUpToGo calculates a number of variables and compares your responses to national and local college norms. Then, your personalized feedback is displayed in an easy-to-read format.
What do I need to use the Alcohol e-CheckUpToGo?
You need:
- A computer
- Internet access
- A JavaScript enabled Internet Browser
- About 6-7 minutes
- A printer (to print the feedback)
Go to Alcohol e-CheckUpToGo
Substance User Treatment Services
- Alcoholics Anonymous-(713) 686-6300 or (713) 661-6833 Español
- Al-Anon Family Group Service-(713) 683-7227
- Behavioral Hospital of Bellaire Detox, Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation-(713) 600-9500
- Career and Recovery Resources (United Way)-(713) 754-700
- The Council on Recovery (United Way)-(713) 914-0556
- Cypress Creek HospitalChemical Dependency Treatment Detoxification-(281) 586-7600
- PaRC-Discovery Behavior Health-(832) 844-2431
- Palmer Drug Abuse Program (PDAP)-(281) 589-4832 or (281)589-4602 Español
- Phoenix House Prevention and Intervention Services of Houston/Galveston-1 (888) 671-9392
- The Right Step-(844) 713-0395 24-hrs
- Sobering Center / HRC150 N Chenevert St. Ste 100, Houston, TX 77002-(713) 236-7800
- Way Out Recovery Program (LBGT/ HIV Recovery Services)-(713) 529-0037
- Start Your Recovery (information about substance use and recovery)-(713) 529-0037
- Texas Health & Human Services
- Addictions.com (Find Houston Detox, Inpatient & Outpatient Rehab)
- FreeRehabCenters.org provides a nationwide list of free, sliding scale, low income, payment assisted and affordable rehab centers.
- Rehab.org (Find Houston Detox, Inpatient & Outpatient Rehab)
- Bay Area Council on Drugs & Alcohol
- Parent's Guide to Fentanyl (Addicted.org)
- College Students Drug Education & Prevention (Addicted.org)
- Free NARCAN/Naloxone for Organizations & Individuals (UT Health)